Compatibility between Robust Foundation API RFA C++ 8.2.2 L1 and 8.2.4 E1


This is a follow-up of Compatibility between Robust Foundation API RFA C++ 8.2.2 L1 and E1 - Forum | Refinitiv Developer Community.

I tried to look under Documentation | Devportal ( under the API compatibility matrix but could not figure out an answer.

@Jirapongse mentioned

Yes, 8.2.2.E1 is compatible with 8.2.2.L1. It is better to rebuild the application with 8.2.2.E1.

The follow-up question is:

Is 8.2.4 E1 (runtime) compatible with 8.2.2 L1 (compiled)?

More specifically, we have our product compiled against 8.2.2 L1 and we want to know what the options are for our clients. If it is only 8.2.2.E1 (which they can download) or also the latest version 8.2.4 E1.

We are considering recompilation but we also need to make a plan for clients having older versions of our product compiled against 8.2.2 L1.

Kind regards,

Adrian L.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    @Adrian Lulea

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Both 8.2.2 and 8.2.4 shares the same major version and minor version numbers (8.2). Therefore, 8.2.2 is compatible with 8.2.4.

    The only differences are bug fixes. 8.2.4 is newer than 8.2.2 and it contains the bug fixes for 8.2.2 and 8.2.3.

    If the client would like to rebuild the application, it is better to use the 8.2.4 than 8.2.2.
