NACK Code If trying to subscribe RIC that are not exists.

I am working on to application which subscribe data and create RIC if it does not exists. What would be the best way to check if RIC .does not exists as RefreshMessage / OnAllMsg does not provide NACKCode for InvalidContent.

Best Answer

  • @vikas.chaudhary

    You need to cast it to the StatusMsg.

        public void onAllMsg(Msg msg, OmmConsumerEvent consumerEvent){
            if(msg.dataType() == DataTypes.STATUS_MSG)
                StatusMsg statusMsg = (StatusMsg)msg;

    You may need to check both stream state, data state, and data state code. The stream can be closed due to permission. The stream closed is OmmState.StreamState.CLOSED.


  • @vikas.chaudhary

    Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

    If you subscribe to a RIC that is not available in ATS, you will get the status message with the CLOSED stream state and status text "RIC Not Found", as shown below.

    <statusMsg domainType="RSSL_DMT_MARKET_PRICE" streamId="5" containerType="RSSL_DT_NO_DATA" flags="0x28 (RSSL_STMF_HAS_MSG_KEY|SSL_STMF_HAS_STATE)" dataState="RSSL_DATA_SUSPECT" streamState="RSSL_STREAM_CLOSED" code="RSSL_SC_NONE" text="RIC Not Found"  ataSize="0">
        <key  flags="0x7 (RSSL_MKF_HAS_SERVICE_ID|RSSL_MKF_HAS_NAME|RSSL_MKF_HAS_NAME_TYPE)"  serviceId="267" name="IBM.N" nameTyp="1"/>

    You can check the stream state. If the stream state is closed, it means you will not retrieve data from a subscribed RIC.

    I hope that this information is of help

  • Thanks for the Info. OnAllMsg ( Msg, OmmConsumerEvent) : Msg only have one function msg.streamID(). There is no other function exposed as code, text etc. Please advise if its sufficient to compare msg.streamId() with OmmState.StreamState.CLOSED_REDIRECTED to make sure that resulted response is due to missing RIC.

  • Thanks for response. Appreciate it.