Is WBMS available via Eikon or Workspace API?

Hi! I'm looking for a way to automate download of these files/attachments found within the WBMS app in Eikon (as seen below).1669682019614.png

However, I can't find anything about this app in our APIs. Also noticed that WBMS doesn't seem to be available in Workspace. Is it even possible to access WBMS programmatically? Hoping someone can confirm this? Thanks!

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @RC Da Cola ,

    There is an example regarding WBMS automated marketbalance commentary provided in the CodeBook example folder. To access CodeBook, type CODEBK in the Eikon/Workspace search bar.


    The example file is located at: __Examples__ > 06. Commodities Research > 06.01. Metals > WBMS_Automated_MarketBalance_Commentary.ipynb


    Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further question


  • Hi @raksina.samasiri ,

    Apologies for returning to this late. Thanks for pointing me to the Codebook example. It is not quite what I was looking for since I was hoping for the possibility of downloading the Excel files themselves. I was expecting something like a link that I can use to ftp the files from wherever they are hosted or like how we can access event transcripts from an endpoint like in RDP API. Not sure if all WBMS statistics shown in the files are available by accessing just the WBMS RICs.

  • @RC Da Cola

    As I know, we don't have the RDP endpoint to download these excel files.

    However, you can contact your Refinitiv account team or sales team directly to confirm it.