what is the difference between market price, market by price and market by order domain? is there an

what is the difference between market price, market by price and market by order domain? is there any link that may have more info?


Best Answer

  • Hello @vishal.anand ,

    The short answer is yes- the Domain Model representation matters on both sides of the distribution, the consumer side and the provider side.

    For a high-level understanding, Provider examples on GiHub, MP and MbO, may be helpful to review and compare.

    The basis of the provider functionality is common among the providers. F

    or more details specifically on the differences please refer to RDM Usage Guide -> Market Price, Market By Price and Market By Order, and Developer Guide -> Provider Classes.

    A key distinction is between Interactive and Non-interactive providers, the design choice is driven by the requirements to be implemented, the tutorials focus on Non-Interactive providers and example decks that come with SDK cover both Interactive and Non-interactive providing.

    Hope that this information is of help
