ISIN returns no best match in GetSymbology or get_data. Records found manually

I am having trouble matching some ISIN codes to their respective company information (attached the list).

I tried the get_symbology() and get_data() methods without luck. However, when I look for each ISIN manually on the RefinitivWorkspace Search Bar, there is information on the company, with a given RIC and all.

I wanted to check if there is another method to match these ISINs with their corresponding identifiers, instead of doing this manually.

Thank you


from refinitiv.dataplatform.content import symbology
response = symbology.Symbology.convert(list_isin_nas, from_symbol_type='ISIN')

import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek
df, err = ek.get_data(
instruments = list_isin_nas,
fields = [


Thank you for your help

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @ricardo.henriquez

    The Eikon Data API get_symbology function has the bestMath parameter with the following description:

    When set to True (default), only the primary symbol is requested. When set to False, all symbols are requested.

    I did a quick test with the following code:


    The result is as follows:


    Does this match your requirement?

    Additionally, I highly recommend you contact the Content support team to verify your ISIN names. You can contact the team directly via the website.



  • Hello @ricardo.henriquez

    Thank you for contacting us. Do your ISIN codes are the valid code list?

    I quickly checked some of the given ISIN codes with the Workspace Search. Workspace suggests a RIC for some of your ISIN codes, but the Workspace Data Item Browser app (DIB) shows that the valid ISIN of that RIC is a different code.

    Example 1:

    AT0000676903 the search bar suggests the RHIM.L RIC


    But the Data item browser shows that the RHIM.L's ISIN is NL0012650360


    Some ISIN like NO00108611115 or BG1500003188, etc is not available on the Workspace search result at all.

  • Example 2:

    BE0003790079 the search bar suggests the BAR.BR RIC.


    But the Data item browser shows that the RHIM.L's ISIN is BE0974362940.


  • The Eikon Data API query with NL0012650360 and BE0974362940 shows a valid result.


  • Hi @ricardo.henriquez

    If you try your list of ISINs on the API Playground with the actual symbology/lookup endpoint, you will note that most that for most of them the response is:

    "Input value does not exist in current time. You can use look-up type endpoint or 'showHistory' parameter to get more information".

    See input and output below.


  • @wasin.w @umer.nalla Thank you both for your response.

    I believe some of these ISINs might be delisted/merged companies. Still, I haven't figured out how to programmatically get the suggested/actual ISIN instead, without looking one by one on the DIB or search bar. Thank you again