Eikon API - Error - Error code 403

While trying to run the python script using Eikon API I am getting below error

Error code 403 | Client Error: {"ErrorCode":1401,"ErrorMessage":"Application id ce1f3b88dceb34634a3a140146a61388cb807fd1e is invalid"}


Best Answer

  • @pr.sachith

    Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

    I tested this application key and got the following error message.

    2022-12-07 09:50:50,528 P[42244] [MainThread 42224] HTTP Response: {"ErrorCode":1401,"ErrorMessage":"Application id ce1f3b88dceb34634a3a140146a61388cb807fd1e is invalid"}

    According to the error message, the application ID or application key is invalid.

    You can run the App Key Generator to check this application key or generate a new application key, as mentioned in the Eikon Data API Quick Start.

    I hope that this information is of help