EMA C++ - Print DataDictionary containing entries with negative ids

Hi all,

using the Refinitiv EMA C++ library (3.6.1.L2), I'm seeing a weird behavior.

The application is a consumer, downloading the DataDictionary from the network.

The dictionary contains custom entries, which are using negative IDs.

The consumer downloads and decodes the dictionary without issues: I can inspect and access the custom entries using e.g.

const DictionaryEntry& getEntry(const refinitiv::ema::access::EmaString& fieldName) const;

However, when I print the whole dictionary object (e.g. to save the content to a file, just for troubleshooting), the dictionary lists only the entries with non-negative IDs.

Note: the header of the output actually shows a correct summary, but the following detailed list of entries is partial.

Data Dictionary Dump: MinFid=-23627 MaxFid=32766 NumEntries 20955

Is this expected? How can I get the entire list of entries?


Best Regards,


Ps: the code is similar to the following:

DataDictionary _dataDictionary;
switch (msg.getPayload().getDataType())
case DataType::SeriesEnum:
if (msg.getName() == "RWFFld")
_dataDictionary.decodeFieldDictionary(msg.getPayload().getSeries(), DICTIONARY_NORMAL);
_fldDictComplete |= complete;
else if (msg.getName() == "RWFEnum")
_dataDictionary.decodeEnumTypeDictionary(msg.getPayload().getSeries(), DICTIONARY_NORMAL);
_enumTypeComplete |= complete;

if (_fldDictComplete && _enumTypeComplete)
ofstream fidDbDumpFile;
fidDbDumpFile << _dataDictionary << endl;

Best Answer

  • Hello @Paolo Parlapiano ,

    From my testing, the dictionary that is read from file is valid, and includes both positive and negative range of the fids defined as reflected in:

    Data Dictionary Dump: MinFid=-1000 MaxFid=32766 NumEntries 15596

    The reason it does not print the negative range, please see open source DataDictionaryImpl on GitHub:

    const refinitiv::ema::access::EmaString&  DataDictionaryImpl::toString() const
    _stringToString.append("Field Dictionary:\n");

    RsslDictionaryEntry* rsslDictionaryEntry = 0;

    for (Int32 index = 0; index <= _pRsslDataDictionary->maxFid; index++)
    rsslDictionaryEntry = *(_pRsslDataDictionary->entriesArray + index);

    if (rsslDictionaryEntry)
    _stringToString.append(" Fid=").append(dictionaryEntry.getFid()).append(" '").append(dictionaryEntry.getAcronym()).
    append("' '").append(dictionaryEntry.getDDEAcronym()).
    append("' Type=").append(dictionaryEntry.getFieldType()).
    append(" RippleTo=").append(dictionaryEntry.getRippleToField()).append(" Len=").append(dictionaryEntry.getLength()).
    append(" EnumLen=").append(dictionaryEntry.getEnumLength()).
    append(" RwfType=").append(dictionaryEntry.getRwfType()).append(" RwfLen=").append(dictionaryEntry.getRwfLength()).append("\n");

    By default, the printing of the dictionaries (fids) does not start with minFid but starts with 0.

    If you are populating negative range- you may wish to print from minFid, and if you are building RTSDK from source, you could modify at this point, rebuild and should see the negative fids included in the dictionary output.

    Hope that this information helps.
