Why ChainRecord has error?

Client is using EMA to connect RTO and met the below error.


Error received for <0#USTSY=RRPS>: ELEKTRON_DD/0#USTSY=RRPS is not a ChainRecord.



Please advise what the reason is and how to fix it.

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @tao.su

    I did a quick test with 0#USTSY=RRP and the EMA Java version 3.6.7 L2 - ex450_MP_QueryServiceDiscovery example. It can subscribe to the chain successfully as follows:

        domain="MarketPrice Domain"
        state="Open / Ok / None / ''"
        itemGroup="00 03"
        permissionData="03 01 01 68 97 c0"
        Payload dataType="FieldList"
            FieldList FieldListNum="85" DictionaryId="1"
                FieldEntry fid="1" name="PROD_PERM" dataType="UInt" value="6897"
                FieldEntry fid="2" name="RDNDISPLAY" dataType="UInt" value="183"
                FieldEntry fid="3" name="DSPLY_NAME" dataType="Rmtes" value="RRPS-UST-All"
                FieldEntry fid="4" name="RDN_EXCHID" dataType="Enum" value="214"
                FieldEntry fid="239" name="REF_COUNT" dataType="UInt" value="14"
                FieldEntry fid="259" name="RECORDTYPE" dataType="UInt" value="40"
                FieldEntry fid="800" name="LONGLINK1" dataType="Ascii" value="912796YZ6=RRPS"
                FieldEntry fid="801" name="LONGLINK2" dataType="Ascii" value="912796X87=RRPS"
                FieldEntry fid="802" name="LONGLINK3" dataType="Ascii" value="USOOO1MT=RRPS"

    To let us verify the issue further, please give us the following information.

    • version and language of EMA API that encounters the issue
    • Can you replicate the issue on demand?
    • Can you replicate the issue with EMA Example 450 or 113?


  • Hello @tao.su ,

    It would be helpful to include the details of how you observe this error with EMA and RTO:

    • version and language of EMA API
    • do you observe this error with a simple RTO example ( EMA 450 or 113) or only with the custom app?
    • was the error received once, or is it reproducible?

    I have quick-verified 0#USTSY=RRPS instrument with example consumer EMA JAVA 113, and was able to subscribe as expected.