Retrieving annual reports using Eikon API

I would like to download the annual reports for a list of U.S. companies using an Eikon API. I read through this article which seems to describe the general process:

The article only refers to SEC filings. Is it also possible to download a company's annual report instead of its SEC filing?

I am just getting started using the API and am currently stuck at the second section of the article "Define Token Handling and Obtain a Valid Token". My current code is:

import eikon as ek
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

I don't really understand the first line of the Token Handling section:


At this point I get the error that RDP_BASE_URL is not defined which of course makes perfectly sense. I read through the suggested Authorization tutorial but still struggle to understand how this works and how to solve this issue. I thought the code under section 2 of the linked article includes the steps for creating a token? I would highly appreciate some help.

Best Answer

  • Hi @flammers

    The Refinitiv Data Library for Python does provide a Filings interface that you can utilize instead of building out your application from scratch. As referenced within this Filings Article, you may be able to significantly simplify access via the helper classes defined.

    For example, here is a simple Jupyter Notebook example I created that utilizes the helper classes:


    To access the helper classes, you can refer to the link within the article or reference the GitHub source code directly.


  • Thank you!

    Do you have any ideas which feed I have to select for downloading annual reports? As these are no SEC filings, I suppose it's not the EDGAR feed.

    Replicating your code doesn't provide me with any output unfortunately:


  • Hello @flammers,

    I tried to follow your steps and reproduce the result, but it returned a data frame with all NA values, as I attached.

    Have you encountered any error like this, or do you have any idea what might have caused it to happen?

    Thank you very much.


  • Hi @flammers

    It appears you do not have proper permissions to retrieve Filings data via CodeBook/Workspace. I would follow up with the account manager or try asking via "Help & Support" within the desktop by using the F1 key.

    As for annual reports, the example I did provides annual reports, i.e. 10-K. I chose EDGAR but there are others outlined within the documentation.

  • Hi @K21099632

    I believe the <NA> values may mean you do not have permissions to access certain data. You can actually look at the raw data coming from the backend via: