Random Error with RFA API when querying for STOXX50E futures price

When querying for .STOXX50E futures HST_CLOSE or TRDPRC_1 using RFA API ,we randomly see this error

Reuters RFA log event Exception in procesEvent for event: 119. Error: Error occurred while processing event data for RIC /STXEZ2. Error: Failed to deserialise enum value 4 for FID PRE_1ET412. Error: RFA exception Error type:InvalidUsageException Severity: Error Classification: IncorrectAPIUsage.

Please let us know what could be the issue . This happens only for .STOXX50E futures

Best Answer

  • @bopanna.alemada

    Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

    The data dictionary files (RDMFieldDictionary and enumtype.def) may be outdated.

    PRE_1ET412 "PRED 1 ET 412"      13113  NULL        ENUMERATED    3 ( 8 )  ENUM             1

    I found this field in 4.20.01_TREP_13.51 and this field doesn't have any defined enumerations.

    ! -----      -------   -------
          0   "        "   Undefined

    The PRE_1ET412 has been changed to CNTR_CYCL in the new version of the data dictionary (4.20.54_RealTimeDistributionSystem_22.71).

    ! Qualifier of the tertiary mid implied volatility.
    CNTR_CYCL  "CONTRACT CYCLE"     13113  NULL        ENUMERATED    3 ( 3 )  ENUM             1

    The enumerations of this field are:

    ! ACRONYM    FID
    ! -------    ---
    EXPIR_CYCL  8934
    CNTR_CYCL  13113
    ! -----      -------   -------
          0        "   "   undefined
          1        "D  "   Daily
          2        "W  "   Weekly
          3        "M  "   Monthly
          4        "Q  "   Quarterly
          5        "E  "   End Of Month
          6        "Y  "   Yearly
          7        "S  "   Semi-Annually

    You can download the new version of the data dictionary from MyRefinitiv. It is in MDS - General and Refinitiv Real-Time Template Service Pack. Otherwise, you can get it from GitHub.

    I hope that this information is of help
