EXCEL DBI to Python

We have a excel spreadsheet that currently pulls back newly issued corporate bonds using DBI add-in within Excel. We now want to move this into Python, is anyone able to assist writing the code for us? Thanks

Best Answer


  • Hi @stephen.newell ,

    Do you mean using the Eikon Excel formula to retrieve the data? If so, could you please provide the Eikon Excel formula used so we could check if it's able to be replicated in the Python code?

  • Hi,

    There is no formula, its from DBI excel add-in so the data currently is in a pivot table. We understand that we can get the data that feeds into the pivot that Eikon (DBI) has into Python.

    Below is what some of the data looks like.


  • I'm afraid not, what we are looking for is can we pull data from DBI using python and if so how do we do that.

  • We want to pull DBI data using Python and if we can do that how do we do that.

    There is no excel formula as its DBI data which is in the pivot table format.

  • I was wondering if anyone can help with my question I posted:

    EXCEL DBI to Python

    We have a excel spreadsheet that currently pulls back newly issued corporate bonds using DBI add-in within Excel. We now want to move this into Python, is anyone able to assist writing the code for us?

    I need to get my project moving forwards and I cannot find if we can pull DBI data using Python and if we can how do I do this?

  • @stephen.newell

    Is it Deals Business Intelligence?


  • Yes that is the tool in Excel. We use this currently in Excel but want to move over to Python and wondering if we can pull all the Deals Business Intelligence (DBI) data into Python. Then we can get the Python code to do the filtering, calculations and aggregation for us. But we dont know if this is possible and if it is how do we do it?

  • @stephen.newell

    Sorry. I am not familiar with this Excel add-in.

    Please kindly contact the Refinitiv Workspace team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify if the data can be retrieved with Python or if the data is available on the Refintiv Data Platform.