Do We need to handle rfa::message::RespMsg::ClearCacheFlag in LL2 MBP domain?

We are using RFA 8.1 C++ API to consume depth data using LL2 MBP (MP domain).

Do We need to handle rfa::message::RespMsg::ClearCacheFlag in LL2 MBP domain?

It is marked as optional in documentation [RDMUsageGuide].

But we are facing some issue with the levels we receive, we doubt that we are not handling some instruction like ClearCacheFlag . Is this the case , Should we also handle ClearCacheFlag in LL2 MBP domain?

Best Answer

  • @mktdata

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Yes, the application needs to handle the ClearCacheFlag. It indicates that the stream’s stored payload information should be cleared

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.


  • In case specific to LL2 MBP [MP domain] as well?

  • Yes, this is a flag in the response message (refresh and status).

    Any payload (MP, MBP, MBO, etc) in the response should be cleared.