RKD Api Field Identifier USR_DEF_T1


I've been trying to figure out how to get value into Field Identifier USR_DEF_T1. Can someone try to give me some advice?

Here is a piece of my json request:


"RetrieveItem_Request_3": {

"TrimResponse": false,
"ItemRequest": {

"RequestKey": [
{"Name": "MSFT.O","NameType": "RIC"},
{"Name": "AAPL.O","NameType": "RIC"}
"Scope": "List",
"ProvideChainLinks": true

I guess I need to add an item to the section RequestKey, but I haven't figured out what key to use.

Thank you.


Best Answer


  • Hello @mgondek

    Thank you for contacting us. Please be informed that your Quote JSON request message is already valid, the requested filed names need to be specified in the request message's "Fields" attribute as follows:


    I did a quick test on the RKD API Portal page, the API returns the DSPLY_NAME, CURRENCY, HT_CLOSE, and HSTCLSDATE fields data for the "DSPLY_NAME:CURRENCY:HST_CLOSE:HSTCLSDATE:USR_DEF_T1" fields request.


    So, I re-tested by requesting the "all fields" data with the following JSON request message:

        "RetrieveItem_Request_3": {
            "ItemRequest": [{
                "Fields": "",
                "RequestKey": [{
                        "Name": "MSFT.O",
                        "NameType": "RIC"
                        "Name": "AAPL.O",
                        "NameType": "RIC"
                "ExpandChains": true,
                "Scope": "All"
            "TrimResponse": false,
            "IncludeChildItemQoS": false

    The USR_DEF_T1 field data also did not return from the API, so I am suspecting that the "MSFT.O" and "AAPL.O" RICs' USR_DEF_T1 field data are not available on RKD.

  • Thank you both. What I was hoping, that the USR_DEF_T1 field can be filled in the same way as in DSS UserDefinedIdentifier. I will try to contact RKD support.

  • According to support, it is not possible to use this field for your own purposes.