Access right error with Python Datalibrary api


I'm getting this error while using the refinitiv datalibrary for Python:


Price requests are working fine but not the search requests:


Where this access right has to be assigned?

For information, i'm connecting trough a deployed platform.

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Hi @fabien.marcaillou

    Ok - I can see you are attempting to use a deployed session.

    A deployed session is for streaming data only. You can't request for RESTful endpoints such as Search, HistoricalPricing, ESG, etc. With a deployed session, you can only retrieve streaming market data.

    Are you licensed for RDP data? Or are you licensed to retrieve data via your desktop license (Refinitiv Workspace/Eikon)? I think it appears to be the latter. With that, should be using a 'Desktop' session.


    You can also refer to this guide: Quick Start | Devportal (
