About OMM Viewer


Right now we are using OMM Viewer for querying LPC server. Is OMM Viewer going to be over by end of this year? What is an alternative?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @denis.gomes,

    OMMViewer will keep on working, as the OMM is not going to be deprecated. However, for any new development, or for getting a long term support, I would recommend that you slowly move away from LPC.


  • Hello @denis.gomes

    Other tools like the Refinitiv Real-Time testclient can connect and consume real-time streaming data from RTDS and LPC via a console for testing purposes. You can download the tool from https://my.refinitiv.com/content/mytr/en/downloadcenter/loadview.html.html website.


    The strategic EMA Java API also provides the RRTMDViewerDesktop GUI example for developers. This example has functions similar to the RFA Java OMMViewer and supports local-deployed RTDS and RTO.


    Please note that both OMMViewer and RRTMDViewerDesktop examples are provided "as is" for code demonstration purposes only. They are not recommended to be used as a Production app.