Can we retrieve Japan short term power price forecast data via Eikon Data API?

Can we retrieve Japan short term power price forecast data via Eikon Data API?

We can see the data on Eikon as you can see in the attached.


Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @hiroko.yamaguchi1 ,

    As seen in the Eikon Desktop app that is data is the Point Carbon Table, I've checked a few questions on this forum and found the answer is like

    unfortunately, flows information, as well as the rest of PointCarbon content, is not exportable through the Python API.
    Your best option would be to generate an Excel file and then ingest it into python.

    However, as they're answers provided a few years back, I'm raising ticket number 12101279 via MyRefinitiv to ask if this data can be retrieved using the Eikon Excel @TR formula. If so, that Eikon Excel @TR formula can be converted to Python code for Eikon Data API and we can help with that.
