Going from Old ISIN to new ISIN


I am using the EIKON Data API through Python. I have a large list of ISIN, with some ISIN being outdated or delisted. Since I need the newest ISIN to pull data on stock price etc., it is important to match outdated ISINs to their most recent value. I so far used the following approach:

1) parse all ISINs in my list (ISIN_list) with the .get_symbology() function to match them to an ISIN in the EIKON system.


2) Retrieve outdated ISIN for each ISIN returned in 1) using the .get_data("TR.ISIN")

df, err=ek.get_data(list2,["TR.ISIN","TR.ISIN.date"],{"SDate":"1999-12-31","EDate":"2022-12-31","Frq":"D"})

I however am still not able to find any match for a large number of ISIN in my list. For example DK0060698785. I am pretty sure this is a fund that has merged with another one at some point in time.

Is there some additional method I could try to improve the number of ISIN in my original list found in the EIKON system? For your information, the ISIN list includes stocks, bonds, funds.

Thank you.



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