Do we have a feature-"Automatically switch to delayed data", similar to Eikon into EMA API?

  1. API:EMA
  2. JAVA
  3. Windows

Do we have a feature-"Automatically switch to delayed data", similar to Eikon into EMA API?


We’ve got a question.

Can we receive automatically a price (bid/ask for equities/options/futures/curve rates)

in function of our customer contract without specifying RT / Delayed by adding or not the slash to RIC?

This is a feature that exists in the EIKON tool(terminal).

We give in the EIKON screen a realtime RIC ticker, for this ticker EIKON detects that in function of the contract with Reuters/brokers/market , we don’t have a realtime permissioning, so Eikon functionality add ‘/’ (in the background) and gives automatically the delayed prices,

but for ICAP rates, prices of the Luxembourg market, it gives the realtime prices because delayed prices(tickers) does not exist

Example :

We’ve got a contract for the delayed prices with Reuters.

We are streaming realtime (EMA-protocol) and we give you a realtime RIC ticker(without ‘/’) and we receive the delayed time prices ?

For ICAP points of a curve, there is no delayed ticker, so we will receive the realtime price.

Is there a similar functionality but now via streaming via the EMA-protocol ?

Greetings, Luc, Jean,

Best Answer

  • @jean.questiaux

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    No, EMA doesn't provide this feature (changing real-time RICs to delayed RICs).

    However, developers can implement this feature in the application.

    For example, if the application subscribes to IBM.N and gets the status message with the permission denied status text, then the application can subscribe to /IBM.N instead.

    I hope that this information is of help.