Error: no proxy address identified


could u please look into the issue below and advice what is wrong or missing?

23-01-17 15:25:10,413 P[25144] [MainThread 27740] Error: no proxy address identified.

Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.

2023-01-17 15:25:10,415 P[25144] [MainThread 27740] Error on handshake url : LocalProtocolError('Missing hostname in URL.')

2023-01-17 15:25:10,415 P[25144] [MainThread 27740] Error on handshake url : LocalProtocolError('Missing hostname in URL.')

2023-01-17 15:25:10,415 P[25144] [MainThread 27740] Port number was not identified, cannot send any request

Either downgrade of workaround (pip install httpx==0.14.2) does not work and same error appear even after.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Please follow the steps in the Eikon Data API(Python) Troubleshooting guide to make sure that the Eikon API Proxy is running properly.

    You can use a web browser to check the status of the Eikon API Proxy.


    The TCP ports may be different on your machine.

    I hope that this information is of help.