How to extract loan data of a company using codebook?

How to extract loan data of a company using codebook?

Best Answer

  • Hi @parth.manghnani

    I would suggest you use the Refinitiv Data Library for Python to retrieve loan data within CodeBook. To get started with the basics of using this library within CodeBook, you can refer to the following learning material:

    1. Refinitiv Data Library for Python
      • This API page will provide a great start to understanding the library and what it can do
      • The webpage includes Quick Start and Tutorials to help you
    2. Refer the example package within Git
      • The GitHub page includes many examples how to use the library
      • The above link refers to the "Search" service that should help to retrieve loan data
    3. Refer to the answer within a question around loan data
      • Please note: The answer(s) within the above link are referring to an older version of the library - but the Search query should still be relevant to retrieve loan data

    You can also refer to the following Search articles if you need a deeper understanding of this service:
