The server returned status code '403' when status code '101' was expected.


I'm trying to replace COM component conection to Reuters.

RD Library for .NET was recommended as best choice. I'm getting 403 error (while using default Socket Implementation). With other choices I'm getting:

24/01/2023 07:59:30: State: Pending. PlatformSession (Deployed) is Pending

24/01/2023 07:59:30: Event: StreamDisconnected. {

"Contents": "Connection to the WebSocket server [] down. WebSocket4Net connection closed. "


24/01/2023 07:59:30: State: Closed. PlatformSession (Deployed) is Closed

I have confirmation that proper DACS user and Ip adress was provided.

Best regards,

Łukasz Czygier


Best Answer

  • @lukasz.czygier

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    According to the application log, you are connecting to the TCP 8101 port which is a default port of the legacy source-sink library protocol used by SSL COM.

    The default TCP port of the WebSocket connection on ADS is 15000. However, ADS must be configured to support the WebSocket connection.

    Please contact the server team to verify if the WebSocket connection is enabled on the server.