I am unable to extract the time series of the following RIC: ".FTBG05GBPT"

I am unable to extract the time series of the following RIC: ".FTBG05GBPT" via ek.get_timeseries.

I encounter the following error: "ValueError: datetime64/timedelta64 must have a unit specified".

Best Answer

  • @david.colas

    Eikon Data API is expected to see the TIMESTAMP field in the response.

    'fields': [{'name': 'TIMESTAMP', 'type': 'DateTime'},
    {'name': 'HIGH', 'type': 'Double'},
    {'name': 'CLOSE', 'type': 'Double'},
    {'name': 'LOW', 'type': 'Double'},
    {'name': 'OPEN', 'type': 'Double'},
    {'name': 'COUNT', 'type': 'Long'},
    {'name': 'VOLUME', 'type': 'Double'}],
    'ric': 'IBM.N',
    'statusCode': 'Normal'}]}

    However this RIC <.FTBG05GBPT> returns the NDA_DATE filed so the API is unable to parse the response.

     'fields': [{'name': 'NDA_DATE', 'type': 'DateTime'},
    {'name': 'NDA_LAST', 'type': 'Double'}],
    'ric': '.FTBG05GBPT',
    'statusCode': 'Normal'}]}

    I tested it again and it works now.



  • @david.colas

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    What is the version of Eikon Data API that you are using?

    I am using 1.1.16 and got the following error.

    ValueError: 'TIMESTAMP' is not in list

    You may set the raw_output to True to get the raw data instead of DataFrame.

    ek.get_timeseries(['.FTBG05GBPT'], raw_output=True)


  • Hi, my version is the 1.1.15, but my query is as follows:





    If I remove the fields arg, and I set raw_output=True It works as you, but why is not working? I have a process defined as before. It doesn't look very consistent.

  • Hi, thank you for your response. Yes, it works because the data content team mapped again this data. Thank you.