SEQ-case-screening-status error


I called SEQ-case-check-availability and received NotFound result so I made a next call SEQ-screen-sync-simple. Next, I called SEQ-case-screening-status, provided JSON like the example below


"screeningStatusRequests": [{

"caseSystemId": "5jb832fhw7361hdvhgj63kbq0",

"dateFrom": null




This call sometimes returned error


"caseSystemId": "5jb832fhw7361hdvhgj63kbq0",

"errors": [{

"error": "CASE_NOT_FOUND",

"cause": "API key does not have permission to access the case or case not found."




Could you please explain why I get this error? Clearly this case exists because I have its caseSystemId and I don't get this error every time. And the same request with same info was called later and it passed


Best Answer

  • Hi @cadyh ,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    I understand the sequence of API calls you are using to screen a name, but can you please let us know some more details like which API endpoint you are using when you are receiving the above-mentioned error.




  • Hello,

    The API I used when I get this error is a POST to

    And sorry, my mistake. I posted the wrong request JSON. I have updated the first post.

    Thanks for looking into it.

  • Hi @cadyh,

    Thanks for the reply!

    Can you give us full details which would help us to investigate the root cause.


  • This is the request header

    Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2023 22:29:39 GMT|Request End Point:|Data To Sign: (request-target): post /v2/cases/screeningStatus host: date: Wed, 01 Feb 2023 22:29:39 GMT content-type: application/json content-length: 90 {"screeningStatusRequests":[{"caseSystemId":"5jb832fhw7361hdvhgj63kbq0","dateFrom":null}]}|Authorization: Signature keyId="........",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="......."|Host:

    This is the response

    Wed, 01 Feb 2023 22:29:39 GMT

    with json

    [{"caseSystemId":"5jb832fhw7361hdvhgj63kbq0","errors":[{"error":"CASE_NOT_FOUND","cause":"API key does not have permission to access the case or case not found."}]}]

    This is all info I had. I can't make this happen intentionally so this is all I get.

  • Hi @cadyh,

    Thanks for sharing the details!

    The possible cause for the error response which you have mentioned above is if the case has been deleted and if you are trying to fetch the screeningStatus of the case you will encounter the error.

    But I've checked for your account and observed this case which you have mentioned is under your production account Bennington Financial Corp. - API (R) and from Postman.

    • I tried to fetch the full case details for the caseSystemId : 5jb832fhw7361hdvhgj63kbq0 and this case have been screened on 2023-02-01T22:29:39.432Z
    • I fetched the audit events for this case, and observed this case is existing and no delete action done for this case.
    • As you are trying to get the screeningStatus and facing the error, I tried to get the screeningStatus for this caseSystemId : 5jb832fhw7361hdvhgj63kbq0 from the endpoint and I'm getting the expected result for the case.


    Can you please check on your side if you are getting the expected result. If not will get on a call and discuss further.
