
I'm using the RFA Provider to publish data into TREP

At some point we stop sending some data and have a listener registered with the OMM_CMD_ERROR_EVENT

Please can someone explain the difference between OMM_CMD_ERROR_EVENT and PUB_ERROR_EVENT? Do we need both to detect loss of data that we were attempting to publish?


Best Answer

  • @manesh.kp01

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I found that the PubErrorEvent is mentioned in the Legacy Market Data interface. It relates to the publish method in the Market Data interface to publish data.

    In the OMM interface, it uses OMMCmdErrorEvent. Therefore, if you are using the OMM interface, you need to handle only the OMMCmdErrorEvent.

    OMMCmdErrorEvent: Used to notify the providing application that an error has occurred when calling the submit() method of the OMM provider 

    I hope that this information is of help.