Websocket Container: Elements containing an Array-Primitiv


if an Elements-Contianer takes is an Entry of Type "Array", are the Type-Attribute describing the Entry containing "Array" or the name of the DataType that the Array contains?

Kind regards


Best Answer

  • @Reinhold.Blank

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Yes, an element entry can contain an array.

    "Elements": {
    "Name": "ERT_FD3_LF1",
       "SupportsQoSRange": 0,
       "Capabilities": {
          "Type": "Array",
          "Data": {
            "Type": "UInt",
            "Data": [5,6,10,11,13,18,19]

    For example, the source directory domain contains the element list. The element entry named "Capabilities" contains an array of unsigned integers.

    I hope that this information is of help.
