What’s its RespType (what its type could be like, like rfa::message::RespMsg::StatusEnum or rfa::mes

I read “Robust Foundation API V8.1 Developers Guide” and found so-called “Summary Data”:

5.7 OMM Data Constructs 40

5.7.1 Data Types 40

5.7.2 Primitive Types 41

5.7.3 Container Types 42

5.7.4 Summary Data 42

5.7.5 Defined Data 42

5.7.6 Iterators 43

If it will come, what’s its RespType (what its type could be like rfa::message::RespMsg::StatusEnum/rfa::message::RespMsg::UpdateEnum etc)?

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @LanceGabriel.Villacrusis

    Thank you for contacting us. I highly recommend you check the RFA Refnitiv Domain Models (RDM) usage guide document. The document contains information on each OMM Domain data model structure and properties (including the Update message).



    The document is available in the RFA API package.

    Example Update data from RFA Java (which should be identical to RFA C++):

        Msg Type: MsgType.UPDATE_RESP
        Msg Model Type: MARKET_PRICE
        Indication Flags: DO_NOT_CONFLATE
        Hint Flags: HAS_RESP_TYPE_NUM | HAS_SEQ_NUM
        SeqNum: 19870
        RespTypeNum: 0 (UNSPECIFIED)
        Payload: 212 bytes
                FIELD_ENTRY 22/BID: 130.95
                FIELD_ENTRY 393/PRIMACT_1: 130.95
                FIELD_ENTRY 25/ASK: 130.99
                FIELD_ENTRY 275/SEC_ACT_1: 130.99
                FIELD_ENTRY 875/VALUE_DT1: 09 FEB 2023
                FIELD_ENTRY 1010/VALUE_TS1: 09:33:47
                FIELD_ENTRY 5/TIMACT: 09:33
                FIELD_ENTRY 11/NETCHNG_1: -0.42
