Where can I extract such event information for a given RIC using python APIs?


The ETF C090.DE "Lyxor Bloomberg Eq-weight Commod ex-Agr UCITS ETF" is being merged with LYTR.DE "Amundi Blbrg Equlwght Commdt ex-Agricl UCITS ETF A". Where can I extract such event information for a given RIC using python APIs?

Will be grateful if this issue could be addressed as soon as possible. Since it is an urgent case I would appreciate if you could take this up at your end . Thanks

cc: @siddharth.marya

Best Answer

  • @siddharth.marya OK great they got back to you - so this is a news query expression and to get this in Python do the following using our Refinitiv Data Library - examples are available in CodeBook Examplees notebook:

    import refinitiv-data as rd
    rd.news.get_headlines(query="Topic:MRG AND Topic:ETF",count=1000)


    I was not able to get the query working with what they told you as Source:ETFDAI i don't think is available by API (not all news sources are delivered via the API) - but I replaced it with an Topic:ETF and was able to get some merger etc info for ETFs. You can play with the search query in the NEWS monitor app. I hope this can help.


  • Hi @jeane.samson.refinitiv,

    We can only help with technical questions on this developers forum. For questions related to content, please open a support ticket at my.refinitiv.com, where you will get an authoritative answer from a content expert.

  • @jeane.samson.refinitiv Thanks for your question. So we can do this for companies but I don't think its possible for funds - this is the code for names:

    df = rd.get_data('ABDN.L',['TR.FormerlyKnownAsName.effectiveFromDateTime',


    For other Events:

    events_df = rd.get_data('ABDN.L',['TR.EventStartDate','TR.EventType','TR.EventTitle'],{'SDate':'2015-01-01', 'EDate':'2022-02-27', 'EventType':'ALL'})


    Unfortunately - this information does not appear to be available for funds - as Gurpreet suggested maybe good to ask content team. I hope this can help.

  • Hi @Gurpreet , @jason.ramchandani01 , @jeane.samson.refinitiv ,

    Refinitiv content team has shared that I can look up this type of info using Source:ETFDAI AND Topic:MRG, please see below screenshot. How can I extract these using Python API?


  • How can I get this for a specific ETF for eg. '

  • I also got another response "After working closely with our Product Specialist, they confirmed that the ETF Daily News cannot be used as a source in Python API, some others like GLFILE or DJN or RTRS works, but ETFDAI No."

    How can I get these for my particular ETF C090.DE?

  • @siddharth.marya So I tried this query 'Topic:MRG AND R:C090.DE^B23' and 'Topic:MRG AND R:C090.DE' but both return nothing - it seems this fund was delisted - I am not sure that what happens after delisting - whether they remove news etc this you can follow up with the content team. From our side I don't think we can offer much more in the way of help here. I hope this can help.

  • @jason.ramchandani01 Can you please tell me how can I get the fields GLFILE or DJN or RTRS for an ETF with the API? for example for LYTR.DE

  • Hello @jason.ramchandani01

    Could you please help with this follow up question?

  • @siddharth.marya So those are not fields - they are sources of news - and you can get them by building a news query in the NEWS monitor app and double clicking to get the query string and then copying that query string into the get_news_headlines api call. For more information on this process see this article.

    import refinitiv.data.eikon as ek
    ek.get_news_headlines(query = '( Source:GLFILE OR Source:DJN OR Source:RTRS ) AND R:LYTR.DE', count=100)

    this returns one result:


    which is the same as in the NEWS monitor:

    1677496423801.pngI hope this is clear enough and can help.