Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException dictionary retrieval failed (ti

Do you know how to configure my RFA to use local field dictionary file instead of downloading that from upstream system or TREP ?

We are receiving below error when try to connect one of publisher server.

Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException dictionary retrieval failed (timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds)Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException dictionary retrieval failed (timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds)

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @ryusuke.kamimura

    I must admit that I am not the C++ API Guy. However, based on my research the RFA C++ rfa::rdm::RDMFieldDictionary class also has the same kind of methods as follows:

    • readRDMEnumTypeDef()
    • readRDMFieldDictionary()


    Hope this helps.


  • Hello @ryusuke.kamimura

    The error message indicates that the API cannot get the Real-Time dictionary information (either RDMFieldDictionary or enumtype.def) from the OMM Provider on time.

    About loading local data dictionary files, you can use RFA Java FieldDictionary.readRDMFieldDictionary() and FieldDictionary.readEnumTypeDef() methods as follows:


    Please see more detail on the following RFA Java example in the API package



  • Hi @ryusuke.kamimura

    Additionally, you can use the RFA Java parameter "dictionaryRequestTimeout" to adjust the time (in milliseconds) to wait for a provider to send back dictionary responses before timing out the dictionary request and sending a dictionary close request back to the application.


  • Hello @wasin.w

    Many thanks for your quick response and answer.

    However, we need c++ reference.

    Do you have any reference for C++ ?

  • Hello @wasin.w

    Many thanks for your quick response and asnwer.

    We need C++ reference.
    do you have any reference for C++ ?

  • Hello

    Thanks a lot for your info. This helps a lot.
    let us give it a try and get back if any issues.