Issue in downloading txt files in batch

I can't download txt files batch from 01/01/2002 to 01/01/2023, even after downloading Batch/Print App. Message will appear as "To Print/Save documents from the search grid, Batch Print/Save App must be installed. Installation is a onetime requirement for the use of this functionality from the search results grid. Print/Save functionality of individual documents can still be performed from the document viewer". Please advice me on this. Thank you.

Best Answer

  • @tasitlicensing Thanks for your question so this is an in product issue and you should ordinarily open a ticket using the Contact Us button in Eikon or Workspace - however as you appear to be an Academic user I believe you need to get the Eikon Admin team at your institution to raise a query on your behalf. Let us know how you get on.


  • Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue. Do you have any updates from the Admin team? Or can you share what's your alternate solution?


  • I am experiencing the same issue. Could anyone please confirm if RefinitivWorkspaceBatchService.msi is working?

  • Hello, I am experiencing the same problem. Is there already a general solution known for this or is it something that needs to be fixed individually?

    Many thanks and best regards.