How to pull historical Option chain data for RIC : 'AAPLA172027750.U^A20' ?

Option chain should contains ['Trans_Date', 'Exp_date ', 'Option type', 'Position', 'Strike Price' 'Option Price' , 'OTM size'] . i have tried it with " ek.get_data("'AAPLA172027750.U^A20", fields)[0] and rdp.get_chain('AAPLA172027750.U^A20 ') ". But it is not working for me . Is there any way to get these columns for option chain?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thank You

Best Answer

  • Dear @soroosh,

    With rdp.get_chain/rd.discovery.Chain you can get only the active options. Unfortunately you can't get expired ones via Chain functions.

    The only way to get expired options is to construct them following a logic of Refinitiv RIC construction and exchange specific rules. In addition to what my colleague suggested, you may find useful this Article which provides functions to reconstruct expired options from different exchanges, including OPRA.

    After you have a RIC you are after you can use rd.get_history function, again as provided by my colleagues example above and retrieve the available data.

    Hope this is helpful, please let me know if you have any question regarding the articles we shared or about the rd.get_history function.

    Best regards,

