interestAfterRefresh() always returning true even for snapshot request.


I am building a Interactive Provider. In onReqMsg() call back for a MMT_MARKET_PRICE when I check that request is snapshot or streaming using reqMsg.interestAfterRefresh(), it always return true irrespective the request msg is snapshot type or streaming type.

Though in xml trace I can see that STREAMING flag is not present in the received snapshot message

Best Answer


  • Hello @amit.visiyait

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Do you encounter this issue with the EMA Java API?

    If so, there is GitHub issue #221 in the RTSDK GitHub repository, the development team is working on it.

  • Hi @wasin.w ,

    Thanks for quick acknowledgment. Yes this issue is with EMA java API.
    What is the ETA for its closure. Is there any workaround of this as this looks blocker issue.


  • Hi @wasin.w ,

    Thanks for quick acknowledgment. Yes this issue is with EMA java API.
    What is the ETA for its closure. Is there any workaround of this as this looks blocker issue.


  • Hello @amit.visiyait

    I am checking with the RTSDK team. I will give you updates as soon as I receive any information from them.

  • Hi

    Do you have any update regarding above issue.


  • Hello @amit.visiyait

    I did not receive any updates from the team yet.
    I highly recommend you contact the RTSDK team directly via the RTSDK GitHub Issue #221 page.

    If you are an RDC-named user (paid service), you can contact the Real-Time APIs support team via the "contact premium support" bottom on the RTSDK Java page. You can contact your Account representative about the RDC support program.


  • Hello @amit.visiyait

    Sorry for the late reply. The RTSDK team confirms that the issue will be fixed in the next release of the API (by the end of this Month).