High Price, Low Price Issue

I am currently trying to create a screen and template for a subset of 58 utility companies. I am doing this through Refinitiv SCREENER however I intend to use the formulas from the screener to connect via the Eikon API in python with the ek.get_data function. My problem stems for the fact that I am trying to find the high and low price during any given day. The High Price and Low Price are showing as NA in every row. Why is this? screenshot-2023-02-27-at-122704-pm.png

Best Answer

  • Hi @chiari ,

    Thank you for your question. I did try to get last 2D High price from screener but got NAs, however I could get these data via Eikon, see below:


    Could you please kindly post here the code you intent to use via ek.get_data and we see if we can retrieve the data you need.

    Best regards,
