Facing "InvalidUsageExceptionImpl" Exception while application reconnects to reuters

Hi All,

We are using rmds client script to get market rate data for our application. In unit test case, while application tries to reconnect to reuters we are facing an exception "rfa::common::InvalidUsageExceptionImpl"
from RFA library used. And this is very rare and random issue. And we are not able to reproduce it.
Need to know details about exception and how we can fix this ?
Note: During regular unit test execution, application sends login request only once at start of unit test, but here in this case, it tries to reconnect again.

Best Answer


  • Hello @rasika_shinde

    Can you give us more detail about the RFA API that you are using?

    • The version (and edition) of the API
    • The OS and platform detail
    • More exception detail (stack trace error, etc)

    This old post might help you too.

  • Hi @wasin.w,

    Please find below details:

    1. RFA API - _pOMMConsumer->registerClient, version 8.2

    2. OS - Linux Redhat Enterprise release version 7.9(Maipo)

    3. Exception (stack trace, etc ) - we don't have stack trace for this exception.