How to use PHP in establishing websocket connection and set headers?

The client is using PHP and is able to open a WebSocket to the link but he asked what information he needs to send to the WebSocket to be able to log in. The installation & Configuration guide says he needs to send the following information:

{ "Domain": "Login",
"ID": 1,
"Key": {
"Elements": {
"ApplicationId": 256,

It also says in the code there that he has to pass information in the headers when connecting to the Socket. Namely the following info:

- AuthToken

- AuthPosition

- ApplicationId

But he doesn't find any information in the documentation that he must fill in there. Can you please advise? Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @neri.wong01,

    For connecting to the RTO cloud, the login credentials have to be sent in the login request message in the following syntax:

    "Domain": "Login",
    "ID": 1,
    "Key": {
    "Elements": {
    "ApplicationId": "256",
    "AuthenticationToken": "--- YOUR OAUTH ACCESS TOKEN ---",
    "Position": "--- YOUR MACHINE IP ADDRESS ---"
    "NameType": "AuthnToken"

    Please have the client try out the python sample and see the message exchange, before proceeding to do this in PHP. It will save them a lot of development time.


  • Hello @neri.wong01

    I highly recommend the client check the WebSocket API: Connect to Refinitiv Real-Time - Optimized tutorial page. The source code in the Tutorials is Python but the logic can be applied to any programing language including PHP.



    The Tutorial is best for checking and running the code as suggested by my colleague above.


    1. The application gets an authentication token from RDP

    Sending authentication request with password to ...
    Refinitiv Data Platform Authentication succeeded. RECEIVED:

    2. The application gets a list of RTO WebSocket endpoints

    3. The application establishes a connection with one of the endpoint

    4. On success, the application sends a JSON login request message to the WebSocket endpoint with the token from step (1)

    Connecting to WebSocket wss:// for session1...
    WebSocket successfully connected for session1!
    SENT on session1:

    4. Login success: The application gets the Login refresh response message via on_message callback.

    RECEIVED on session1:
          "Text":"Login accepted by host ads-fanout-lrg-az1-use1-prd."
  • @Gurpreet and @wasin.w ,

    Thank you and I will share the same information to the client.