Hostname/IP and port of the specific streaming server for Refinitiv Data Library for Python

Hello, I am trying to use the Refinitiv Data Library for Python. I have access to all the other required access credential, however I am having difficulties locating the following:

  • Hostname/IP and port of the specific streaming server

Can you kindly help?


Best Answer


  • Hi @a.danso, may I ask for some color? Do you have an error that you could share a screenshot of? If not, how about your script where you are trying your API call? I'm asking for the later in case you are trying to use the delivery layer with a platform session, which you very well might be.

  • I am trying to follow the instructions from the following:

    I have downloaded the github repository at this link

    and entered my userID, password and appkey in the Configuration files. However, I am having troubles finding the realtime-distribution-system url and DACS username (even though it says in the quickstart page that this should be optional).

    Further, I am unsure where to locate the Hostname/IP and port of the specific streaming server.



  • Hello @a.danso

    The configuration in the "realtime-distribution-system" configuration node is only for the deployed RTDS (Refinitiv Real-Time Distribution System) scenario. You must contact your Market Data to get your RTDS information.

    However, if you want to consume data from the Cloud solution (Refinitiv Real-Time Optimized, aka RTO), you need to put your Machine ID credentials in the "platform"/"rdp" node. The Credentials are as follows:

    • Machine ID (GE-XXXXXX): Machine ID provided to you - in a Welcome email from Refinitiv
    • Password: The Machine Password you have set using a link in the above Welcome email
    • App Key: An Application Key used to monitor the application. Users can generate/manage their application IDs here.

    You can find more detail about the Machine ID credentials in the "Getting Started for Machine ID" section of this article.
    You can find the Streaming Price tutorial at this tutorial.

    Please contact your representative if you do not have the Machine ID type credential.

  • Thank you for the details.

    It appears retrieving the Machine ID and Machine Password is a harder task then expected.

    I have found some old code where I was able to connect to the Eikon API via the python package 'eikon' (rather than using the newer package '', which I can't seem to be able to access as I am currently missing the Machine ID and Machine Password). However, I now receive this error every time I try to connect to the API using any App Key (either it be an old key or a brand new one).

    I am running the 1.1.10 Eikon version and Python version 3.8.16

    Many thankseikon-error.png

  • Feed back to the development team:

    It is not clear to me if the rdp Streaming Price tutorial at this tutorial is supported/usable with the new rd module.

    In fact, the co-mingling of rdp and rd example, support forums, etc is really very unfortunate. If users go the rdp site on github, they will not be aware that it is deprecated unless they click on the link to the homepage.

    Further, there are no actual examples on the rd GitHub, just Jupiter Notebook snippets, and those show several inconsistences, such as the use of url in different contexts.

    Finally, any module you release should, as job number 1, be able to connect and consume from a deployed RTDS without requiring an APP_KEY.