date and fperiod in TR.NetprofitEstValue

I am trying to get data of field


I think FQ1 means it will get the next quarter's estimation.

But in the following data I got:


some 'date' is early than 'fperiod' more than 1 quarter.

Why will this occur when I get FQ1 data?

Or there are more examples or explain about FQ0/FQ1/FQ2/... and date/calcdate/fperiod?

Best Answer

  • @apple.tsai Thanks for your question - so the reason for the calc dates being before the Fiscal Period is that the values for Net Income - Broker Estimate are being forecasted by each broker - each line represents a forecast at a particular date (Date, Calc Date), for the value pertaining to the Financial Period Absolute. Here you are requesting individual broker estimates - which you might need. Obviously - some estimates may not have been updates in a while - particularly for not well covered companies.

    But you could also request IBES Consensus Estimates for the company as well. This would be one average forecasted number which encapsulates all relevant broker estimates. It updates whenever any of the underlying brokers update their individual forecasts. I have written an extensive article on Working with our Fundamentals & Estimates Data here. I hope this can help.


  • Hi @apple.tsai ,

    The meaning can be found in the Formula Builder in Eikon Excel add-on or CodeCreator application in Eikon Desktop or Refinitiv Workspace application > Parameters & Quick Functions tab at the right panel > Financial Period dropdown, here you can see the description of each financial period including

    • FQ0: Last Fiscal Quarter
    • FQ1: Current Fiscal Quarter
    • FQ2: Next Fiscal Quarter


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