OS Requirement and Stability of the Python API

I am new the Redi API and I apologize for my questions if they are too naive.

Q1: must I use Windows OS in order to use the Redi python API?

Q2: Is the Redi python API stable enough to handle 10K+ trades per day without crashing?

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and I really appreciate it!

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    I have contacted the product team to approve your request.

    I did a quick test by calling the Order.Submit in a loop in a single thread.



    I can send around 50 orders per minute.

    To use REDI API, you need to login to the REDIPlus app and REDI API uses the login user to send orders.

    The following code is used to send an order.

            private void SendSimpleOrder()
                ORDER objOrder = new ORDER();

                objOrder.Symbol = "IBM";
                objOrder.Exchange = "DEMO DMA";
                objOrder.PriceType = "Limit";
                objOrder.Side = "Buy";      
                objOrder.Quantity = 100;          
                objOrder.Price = 129;
                objOrder.TIF = "Day";
                objOrder.Account = "EQUITY-TR";
                objOrder.Ticket = "Bypass";
                object ord_err = null;
                bool status;
                status = objOrder.Submit(ref ord_err);


  • @tylergupku

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    To use REDI API, the REDI plus must be running on the same machine and it is a local, COM-based API. According to this information, you need to use it on Windows machines.

    I am not sure about the performance of Python when using the COM-based API. As I know, the feature of Python COM with REDI API is quite limited. Therefore, it is better to use REDI API with the programming languages that natively support COM-based API, such as C#.

    I hope that this information is of help.

  • By saying Redi Plus, do you mean Redi EMS as below?


    Is the Redi Plus/API usually stable enough to run for 16 hours without crashing?

    Can I use either C++ or C# as programming languages that natively support COM-based API in order to access more features?

    BTW, my request to view the Redi API documentation is still pending. Can you please approve it?


  • @tylergupku

    I am using this one:


    Yes, REDI API is stable. If it crashes, it could be a bug in the API that must be fixed.

    You can use REDI API with any programming languages that support COM. However, as I know, we have examples in C#, not C++.

    I will contact the product team to verify your request.

  • Thank you. My request to view the documentation is still pending.

    How many orders can be placed per second via the Redi API?

    How many users are actively trading with the Redi API? More than 50 active users?