Some corporate event fields are empty when using the C# API

I am using the C# Eikon Data API to find events in the future on which a company is expected to split. This is working for some fields, however other fields are always blank. Specifically, any field that shows what type the event is, is always blank. In the simple query example below, the first four fields are returned with valid values in them, however the last field, TR.CACorpActEventType, is always empty. I need to know how to cause Eikon to properly return a value in that field. For reference, when I look at the field in the Data Item Browser, it shows “Share Split”, so I know the value exists, but it's not being returned to me.

Also, if I may add a second question: What would be the proper value for the "Frq" argument to pass when querying for corporate events?

Thank you.

var args = new Dictionary<string, string>
      { "SDate", "2023-03-08" },
      { "EDate", "2024-12-31" },
      { "Frq", "Q" }

var json = eikon.GetDataRaw(
    new List<string>

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    If I change the SDate to "2023-01-01", the "TR.CACorpActEventType" returns a value.

    var args = new Dictionary<string, string>
          { "SDate", "2023-01-01" },
          { "EDate", "2024-12-31" }
    List<string> RICs = new List<string> {"IVOG.K,IVOO.K" };
    var df = eikon.GetData(
        new List<string>

    The output is:


    You can use the Data Item Browser to search for available fields and parameters.


    I hope that this information is of help.


  • Thanks, that does work. But it sounds more like a bug. I did some additional testing, and I found that you must go at least 14 days in the past. So this will also work:

    var sdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14);

    However anything less, like this, will not:

    var sdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-13);

    I would like to know *why* this is. Is there a valid reason? Or is it a bug?

  • I think the date of this event is 23 Feb 2023 so the date range should cover this date.