How AngularJS integrates with HTML?

How AngularJS integrates with HTML?


  • Hello @stevediaz933

    Thank you for contacting us. However, this developers' community website is dedicated to Refinitiv APIs only.
    For the external library like Angularjs, you can find more information on the official Angularjs website and community resources like the following:

    If you are using Refinitiv APIs and want to integrate it with Angular JS, we have some articles for you as follows:

    I hope this helps.

  • The method by which AngularJS combines with HTML is known as data binding. A strong feature of AngularJS is data binding, which connects the HTML components in the user interface with the data of the application. Developers may easily create dynamic and interactive web applications with this integration.

    Here's how AngularJS achieves integration with HTML:

    Directives: AngularJS extends HTML by introducing directives. Directives are special markers in the HTML that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler ($compile) to attach certain behavior to the DOM elements or to transform them in some way. Developers can design unique HTML elements or characteristics that AngularJS can comprehend and work with thanks to directives.

    Expressions: AngularJS binds data from the JavaScript code to the HTML using expressions, which are encircled by double curly braces ({
    { }}). When the data changes, AngularJS evaluates these expressions and replaces them with the appropriate data values, altering the HTML elements' content dynamically.

    Two-way data binding is implemented by AngularJS: This implies that modifications made to the data in the JavaScript code will automatically update the HTML, and vice versa. The development process is made simpler by this bidirectional synchronization, which does away with the necessity for manual DOM modification.

    Controller: JavaScript functions called AngularJS controllers are in charge of handling business logic and overseeing the data that is utilized by the application. Using the ng-controller directive, controllers are linked to particular HTML sections, giving them the ability to interact with and modify HTML components that fall under their purview.

    Services: AngularJS comes with a number of built-in services that may be used to carry out different operations, such sending HTTP requests, handling events, and managing data, by injecting them into controllers, directives, and other components. These services encourage modular and reuse code and encapsulate common functionalities.

    All things considered, AngularJS interacts with HTML in a smooth manner by expanding its functionalities via directives, permitting dynamic data binding via expressions, and enabling two-way communication between JavaScript code and HTML elements. Web applications are easier to design and have better scalability and maintainability because to this integration.