How to get events like conferences, presentations, road shows, annual meetings in C#

I would like to get various events such as:

conferences, presentations, road shows, annual meetings

from Eikon using the C# API but I am having a hard time finding fields which represent these. Doing a basic query for events doesn't seem to return such events. So my two questions are:

1) Does Eikon provide such events?

2) If so, what are the fields I should use?


Best Answer

  • @jiah in C#:

    var args = new Dictionary<string, string>
          { "SDate", "2015-01-01" },
          { "EDate", "2023-02-27" },
    { "EventType", "ALL" }
    List<string> RICs = new List<string> {"VOD.L" };
    var df = eikon.GetData(
        new List<string>


    I hope this can help.


  • @jiah Thanks for your question - so which C# API are you using? Is it the Eikon 4 Desktop Data API?

    So until you get back to me I will show you the content in Python - you can then try the same field names and parameters in C#:

    events_df = rd.get_data('VOD.L',['TR.EventStartDate','TR.EventType','TR.EventTitle'],{'SDate':'2015-01-01', 'EDate':'2023-02-27', 'EventType':'ALL'})



    events_df['Company Event Type'].unique()
    [ 'EarningsReleases',
    Length: 10, dtype: string

    So these are some of the events types - a full list of event types can be seen in the Data Item Browser tool (type DIB into Eikon Search bar):


    Ok I will wait for you to get back to me - I hope this can be of help.

  • Ok, I think this covers it. You can close this ticket. Thank you.