Cell referencing using Redi API

I had looked at an previous answer provided in which the user had to create a function (Eval) as part of the process. I did this but it doesnt consistently return values. I wonder if there might be a better way that is now available as that solution was written a few years back


so for example i would want to have some syntax where a cell value such as 6758.T was inserted into this array


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Typically, you can use the Excel DDE Component to build REDI DDE Links.


    The output looks like this. One RediLink is for one item.


    For more information, you can refer to the REDIPlus DDE-API Guide on the REDI FTP site (sftp://sftp.redi.com). The document is in the /API/Documents directory. You can get the FTP credential from the REDI QuickStart Guide.

    I hope that this information is of help.