TR.FundTotalNetAssets is blank in C# Eikon Data API

I am trying to do a simple query for the symbols FAS,FAZ and want the fields:


The first two return values, but the last one is empty, and that is the one I really need.

I found this question which says it should be available:

In the Data Item Browser, the field is available and has the proper value in it.

How can I get this to work with the C# Data API?


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I can retrieve the data properly by using the following code.

    var fields = new List<string>
    var json = eikon.GetDataRaw(new List<string> { "FAS","FAZ" }, fields);

    The output is:


    Then, I compared the result with the output from Eikon Excel. I used the following formula in Eikon Excel.

    =@TR(&quot;FAS;FAZ","TR.InstrumentDescription;TR.CommonName;TR.FundTotalNetAssets","CH=Fd RH=IN",E2)


    I hope that this information is of help.


  • I've found the problem. Doing the raw query like you suggested works. Originally, I had been doing a query using the fundamental reference like so:

    await FundamentalAndReference.Definition().Universe(filterstr)

    and for some reason, that field was coming back blank. I can just use the raw query from now on.
