Map PE and PDP with Open DACS REST API

Hi, Can you let me know how to get the mapping between PE and PDP by using Open DACS REST API? Thanks.

Best Answer


  • Thanks @Jirapongse . Sorry for the confusion, yeah I meant Open DACS API.. Can you point me to the specific API that can get the PE and PDP mappings?
  • @kiwi.qi

    You can try the getPeToSubServiceList method in the API.


    Which Open DACS API are you using (C++, Java. or .NET)?

  • Thank you @Jirapongse . This is from a client ask, currently they are exploring using the Open DACS API to get PE-PDP mapping, possibly they are using C++. Let me point them to the package and this particular call you shared. Does getPeToSubServiceList get PDP codes as well? e.g. the subservice names?

  • Hello @kiwi.qi

    I noticed that you are using the word "DACS REST API". Besides the OpenDACS (C++, Java, and .NET), the DACS server/Open Dacs Permission Server also has its own Web API.

    Please clarify with the client if they are using that DACS Server Web API. If so, that API is supported by the DACS support team, I highly recommend you contact the DACS support team directly.

  • Yes, it will return PEs and all PDPs in those PEs.

    The output looks like this:
