Equity Search API Results Order

We are using the Search/EquitySearch API and would like to understand the order of the results, this is an example of a search we are performing


The first result back is

"Identifier": "WISH.O",

followed by

"Identifier": "WISH.OQ", and then

"Identifier": "WISH.A",

It doesn't seem to be based on Alphabetical order, so we wondered if it was by primary listing, which in some of our other searches we don't believe it is.

Any information would be most appreacited.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I checked the document and I am unable to find how the search results are sorted. Moreover, I can't find the option to change the order of the results.

    Therefore, you need to contact the Datascope Select support team directly via MyRefinitiv. The product team may be able to check how the search results are sorted.
