Issues when downloading data


I’m using Python for downloading Guidance Summary stuff. The idea is to *not* download the rows in which the value that I'm interesting in (e.g., “low value” or “high value”) is NaN so I can reduce the number of downloads. Also, it seems that sometimes there are duplicate rows. Is there any way of filter this out as well?

Finally, just a quick question about the download limit: What is that limit? Imagine we have a table of 100 rows and 100 columns. Then, we have 100*100 = 10000 cells. Do they count as 10000 downloads?


Best Answer

  • Hi @ruben.fernandez,

    Unfortunately, there is no way to proactively return only rows without `NaN`s for the fields you are after using the `get_data` function. The reason for this is that, while you may see `NaN`s for the fields you searched, there are others for which there is data (e.g.: 'TR.ASKPRICE') (see screenshot below); you can find such fields in DIB. Have you tried using Search?


    N.B.: I suggest that you use the Refinitiv Data Library for Python as opposed to EDAPI. More details on why here.


  • Hi @ruben.fernandez, May I ask: which API are you using in Python? You can search for APIs here and filter for python on the left top let us know.
  • Hi

    @jonathan.legrand, thanks for your answer. I'm using Eikon Data API.
  • Hi @ruben.fernandez, for EDAPI (Eikon Data API), you can find information on this very Q&A. Searching there I found a post that may answer your question: 'Data limit reached?'. It links to the EDAPI Usage and Limits Guideline. Does this contain the answer you were after?

  • Hi
    @jonathan.legrand. Thanks a lot. That answer the very last question of the data limit, yes. Do you know something about the two previous ones? Thanks!
  • Hi @ruben.fernandez, May I ask for a code snippet of the 'Guidance Summary stuff' request using EDAPI? This would help my investigation, especially as I don't think there is a way to know in advance which columns/rows are NaN. This would help me replicate the Duplicated Row issue you outlined.

  • Hi @ruben.fernandez , May I ask for a code snippet of the 'Guidance Summary stuff' request using EDAPI? This would help my investigation, especially as I don't think there is a way to know in advance which columns/rows are NaN. This would help me replicate the Duplicated Row issue you outlined.

  • Sure.

    It's this one. You should use your particular api_key but that's it. I don't think that there's a way as well, but just in case... Thanks!

    fields = ['TR.GuidanceDate',














    data, err = ek.get_data('WMT',






    'GuidDataForm': 'SNG',




  • Thanks a lot for your suggestion! I didn't know that search function. I will take a look on it. Thanks.