How can I get intraday data from today? Since today start of day until the time the script is run?

I would like to get intraday data until the time of the day I'm running the script.

The only way I've found so far to get intraday if by using get_timeseries function. However, that only allows me to get the intraday data from previous dates before today. In below example i get data per minute for the 29th, but not for the 30th which is today and the day for which I need the data.

The requirement would be to get data from market open (7AM) until the minute of the day in which the request is triggered (let's say 11:43AM). Is this possible? Thank you

df = ek.get_timeseries('EURAB6E1Y=', ['CLOSE'], interval="minute", start_date='2023-03-29',end_date='2023-03-30')

Best Answer

  • Hi @f.janeiro

    Have you tried with timestamps? E.g. in CodeBook:

    import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek
    df = ek.get_timeseries('EURAB6E1Y=', ['CLOSE'], interval="minute", start_date='2023-03-29T09:00:00',end_date='2023-03-30T13:00:00')

    `end_date` here could be `'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')`


  • @jonathan.legrand

    Many thanks. That works very well.

    Is it possible to give the time stamps as an attribute so that a longer time series request (example for the last week) excludes data from 19h PM to 7h AM?

    Thank you again.



  • Hi @f.janeiro, There is no way to do that in one call, you'd have to do two separate calls or remove the data that is not of interest in the dataframe.

  • Understood. Thank you.
  • Hi @f.janeiro

    Just following on @jonathan.legrand answer above, if your requirement is to get the intraday data at the moment the call is made, I believe you don't need to specify the end_date. Something like this should be good:

    ek.get_timeseries('EURAB6E1Y=', ['CLOSE'], 