constantly calling "processTimeSeriesInfo". The function "processTimeSeriesComplete" is not called.


I'm trying to consume "ric" with "series = ista.getSeries(XXXXReutersTimeSeriesClient, ista.getSession(), vbr[i].getVirbaseTypeRuter(), period, beginDate, endDate);"

I am checking "isError", "isComplate", "isInfo" in "while" loop.

On my "local" computer, "isComplate" takes the value true, but when I deploy the codes to the server, the "isInfo" condition always works. The "isComplate" condition doesn't work at all.

Even though I gave the necessary ip access permissions to the server, the situation did not change.

Even though I created a user on behalf of "root", which is the user of the server, on the Dacs side and gave him the necessary permissions, the situation did not change.

When I look at the logs of Dacs, I can't find any information about the rics that I have successfully pulled from my local computer, nor about the rics that I have not been able to pull from the server.

Best Answer

  • Hi @Jirapongse,

    The error was resolved when the blocked url was allowed and the user information was set as below.

     configDb.addVariable("username ", "username.usersurname");

    Thank you very much for your help.


  • @SelcukYAPICI

    Please confirm the API that you are using. Is it SFC?

  • I don't know, but when I examine the project, I see that "jsfc_rmds", "jsfcex_p2ps" and "jsfcex_rmds" jars are used.

  • @SelcukYAPICI

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    It is SFC Java.

    Typically, the processTimeSeriesInfo callback function can provide additional information via the TimeSeries.text() method, as shown below.

    public void processTimeSeriesInfo(TimeSeries ser)

    For example, the "processing comms fault" text indicates that the API cannot establish a connection to the server. You need to check the text in the processTimeSeriesInfo function.

    I can enable tracing in the JSFC API with the following configurations.

    *mountTrace : True
    *traceSelector : DEBUG
    *ipcTraceFlags : 7

    We may be able to verify what the problem is via the trace log.

    I hope that this information is of help.

  • Hello Jirapongse,

    First of all I want to thank you for your help.

    I don't understand what the "_area" variable is. Because I don't know, how do I enable JSFC API configuration. I printed "timeSeries.text()" as below.

    public void processTimeSeriesInfo(TimeSeries timeSeries) {
    this.timeSeries = timeSeries;
    info = true;

    The result was as follows.

    processing comms fault

    What should I understand here?

    I think the most important difference between my local computer(it is running properly in my local computer) and the server is the user name.

    I learn user name in server like below:

    System.out.println(" :" + System.getProperty(""));

    Server's user name is "root". I create user for the "root" in dacs but it didn't work.

    Could it be another user where the server goes to dacs? or do I have another problem?

  • @SelcukYAPICI

    To verify what the problem is, you need to enable tracing the API.

    If the username is invalid, we will see it in the tracing. For example:

    Apr 03, 2023 2:31:33 PM com.reuters.ssl.api.SSLLogger traceMount
    Thread: JSFC Event Thread 0
    Connection 0
    Session Rejected: U8009686, unknown to system.

    <com.reuters.sfc.examples.timeSeriesDump.TimeSeriesDump : Warning : Apr 3, 2023, 2:31:33 PM>
    U8009686, unknown to system.

    <com.reuters.sfc.examples.timeSeriesDump.TimeSeriesDump : Info : Apr 3, 2023, 2:31:33 PM>
    processing comms fault, location:

    Apr 03, 2023 2:31:33 PM com.reuters.ssl.api.SSLLogger traceMount
    Thread: JSFC Event Thread 0
    Connection 0
    Transport disconnected: U8009686, unknown to system.

  • Hi @Jirapongse,

    I have found that how do I enable JSFC API configuration. the result is as below:

    processing comms fault
    Nis 03, 2023 10:31:55 ÖÖ com.reuters.ssl.api.SSLLogger traceMount
    Thread: SipcConnectorThread 0
    Connection 0
    Trying connect to tcp://
    Connecting with CONNECTION_VERSION_47
    Nis 03, 2023 10:32:05 ÖÖ com.reuters.ssl.api.SSLLogger traceMount
    Thread: JSFC Event Thread 0
    Connection 0
    Transport disconnected: Connect attempt timeout
    Nis 03, 2023 10:32:05 ÖÖ com.reuters.ssl.api.SSLLogger traceMount
    Thread: JSFC Event Thread 0
    Connection 0
    Will try to reconnect in 10 seconds
    < : Info : Apr 3, 2023, 10:32:05 AM>
    processing comms fault, location:

    I look forward to your comments.

  • @SelcukYAPICI

    According to the tracing information, the server name looks strange (

    Trying connect to tcp://
    Connecting with CONNECTION_VERSION_47
    Nis 03, 2023 10:32:05 ÖÖ com.reuters.ssl.api.SSLLogger traceMount
    Thread: JSFC Event Thread 0
    Connection 0
    Transport disconnected: Connect attempt timeout
    Nis 03, 2023 10:32:05 ÖÖ com.reuters.ssl.api.SSLLogger traceMount
    Thread: JSFC Event Thread 0
    Connection 0
    Will try to reconnect in 10 seconds
    < : Info : Apr 3, 2023, 10:32:05 AM>
    processing comms fault, location:

    Typically, the server name is configured via the *serverList configuration. For example:

    *serverList :

  • Hi @Jirapongse,

    I changed the server name because posting on the forum may cause problems. The name in tracing information is a url, not a Ip. A valid url. Does it have to be a IP?

  • Okay. Yes, I can be either hostname or IP address.

    According to the log, the API is unable to connect to that server.

    You can test the connection on the machine by using the ping and telnet commands to the 8101 TCP port. For example, my ADS server is running on
