VBA DEX2 problems with the OnUpdate call

Dear developer community members,

I have a question from my customer below and I am hopping to get some help here:tr-testtrtemplate.zip

I have been trying to use https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/sites/default/files/Eikon_for_Developers_09032016.pdf
to access the data to replace some of my Bloomberg functions.

There seem to be a number of issues with the code in this
pdf. Initially I tried to use the code from p117 to 119 but there were too many

So, I cut the code back and debugged/fixed most of the
issues so that I could get access (see attached). However, I am still having
problems with the OnUpdate call, it doesn't seem to get triggered when data is
returned and so I can't loop efficiently.

Can you have a look at the attached and let me know where
its going wrong.

Best Answer

  • I have modified your code a bit and found that OnUpdate is called properly.

    I have added the code to call WaitforResponse and reset the value of m_hasReceivedResponse to false.

    Sub getTR()
    Dim c As Range, d As Range
    Dim i As Range, j As Range
    Dim strFields As String, strCurr As String
    Set MyDex2Mgr = CreateDex2Mgr()
    Set MyDex2MgrADC = MyDex2Mgr
    ' Initialise using the DE_MC_ADC_POWERLINK enumeration
    MyDex2Cookie = MyDex2MgrADC.Initialize(DE_MC_ADC_POWERLINK)
    Dim DataStatus As Dex2Lib.DEX2_DataStatus
    'compile a list of strings
    strFields = "TR.ISPeriodEndDate"
    For Each d In Range("TRCodes")
    If d.Offset(0, 1) <> "" Then
    strFields = strFields & "," & d.Value
    End If
    Next d

    If Len(strFields) > 0 Then
    'loop for every stock and request data
    For Each c In Range("RICCodes")
    ' And create an RData object.
    Set MyDex2RData = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(MyDex2Cookie)
    'get Currency.
    m_hasReceivedResponse = False
    With MyDex2RData
    .InstrumentIDList = c.Value
    .FieldList = "TR.CompanyReportCurrency"
    .DisplayParam = "RH:In CH:Fd"
    End With ' curn:USD
    strCurr = MyDex2RData.Data(1, 1)
    strCurr = "USD"
    If Len(strCurr) > 0 Then
    Set MyDex2RData = MyDex2Mgr.CreateRData(MyDex2Cookie)
    'Before using the input parameters as one would for the TR() function.
    With MyDex2RData
    .InstrumentIDList = c.Value
    .FieldList = strFields
    .RequestParam = "FP:FY2014;FY1980 reportingstate:rsdt CURR:USD"
    End With ' curn:USD
    m_hasReceivedResponse = False
    PrintArray MyDex2RData.Data, ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value = strCurr
    End If
    Set MyDex2RData = Nothing
    Next c
    End If
    End Sub