How to get all Mergers and Acquisitions deal information on the Python API (code)?

I encountered two technical issues when retrieving Merger&Acquisition deal data from the screener using the Eikon Data API via python.

1. The first issue pertains to the time horizon. In order to retrieve deal data efficiently, I use the command below to claw the data from API from 2000 to 2022. However, python is not accounting for the full time horizon that I have specified in my input command and it reports the “TimeoutException” error. At current, the maximum duration I could output is one year. I am wondering if there is any alternative method I could use to output the deal information from 2000 to 2022.

deal = ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)),BETWEEN(TR.MnAAnnDate,20000101,20221231))",             ["TR.MnAAnnDate","TR.MnATarget","TR.MnATargetPermId","TR.MnAAcquiror","TR.MnAAcquirorPermId"])  

2. The second issue regards to the variable list inputted into the python script. The above code are copied from the Refinitiv Community and it works well for retrieving one-year data. But how can I transfer the screener expression and criteria into the Python script. When I use the “insert Screen”, the expression in the excel cell shows gibberish letters.

“=@TR("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), relativedate(TR.MnAAnnDate,YTD)/*dt:Date*/, CURN=USD)","TR.MnASDCDealNumber,TR.MnAAnnDate,TR.MnATarget,TR.MnATargetPermId,TR.MnATargetMacroInd,TR.MnATargetMidInd,TR.MnATargetNation,TR.MnAAcquiror,TR.MnAAcqui"&"rorPermId,TR.MnAAcquirorMacroInd,TR.MnAAcquirorMidInd,TR.MnAAcquirorNation,TR.MnATargetFinAdvisor(Concat='|'),TR.MnAAcquirorFinAdvisor(Concat='|')/*EncodedScreenStart[{""currency"":""USD"",""universeĊĀlistsĊ[]đallě""actĕĚ:trueđinīĭĖĊfĦęđownėshipĻĽ"&"Ĵ""primaryOnlĉİIJŊŌĕatįļlľŋubĝcĊıijđcoēıyŚŏőquoŝňŠe}đexclusionġ:ģđēĮĘeCƃŝxtĊ""DEALSMNAĐ""deĦPŐĭcņantRolįnuħĵdTůƬƮlź""filŝĘĢĀtƳƒDŜĚĵsEķŤedŧŘĿpėŜorƒYƟr to ǃŶdžOŁŃŅŇ:şšƹelnj:ƿǁċmetaƜiǫ""I_ƔƖ_ƙA_BASICǹƕƗǽTRANSACTIOƚNNOUNCEMENTDATEƜpŐaǰƼƅ""ƜıƦsfǓmƅƇ""Ŭtputƍſm"&"nƒvĦijƜǓƞǔċƔSC""ƷmĶǝį""202301ɕƜŏxɎƒɑɓ04ɗđąlŜĮɛ:1ɢǩɥĖɎƲǐĊ0ĥnŒrAħƒƖLƜrŬnƱǮ""ȋYɘɍDŽAsTodaŖǦŊəɎʈʊʌʎʼn}Ĥ""logicĦOǐrɥƃʉąeƅƭƯ""mʋɏscʧȽđɤğGōƱempɤŶǬ""ķǰƒCăąƧ SʱeĆ TʺʼDŽȫʁĂğomɊ}]EncodedScreenEnd*/","Curn=USD CH=Fd")”


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I got the same error when running the code. It could be the server timeout. The server can cancel the request due to the timeout. The get_data method is not designed to request bulk data in one request.

    You may need to limit the requested date to one year. I tested it and it works fine. Otherwise, you can contact your Refinitiv account team or Sales team for other products.

    The text inside the (/*....*/) characters is a comment so you can ignore it in the Python code. Therefore, the code looks like this:

    deal, err = ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)), relativedate(TR.MnAAnnDate,YTD), CURN=USD)",

    The output is:


    I hope that this information is of help.


  • Hi @Academic09 ,

    Thank you for your question. The Search capabilities of RD Library would be useful for ingesting M&A data. You can build up on the folowing code from this article:

    MnA =
    view = rd.discovery.Views.DEALS_MERGERS_AND_ACQUISITIONS,

    #specify filtering properties
    filter = "((AcquirerCompanyName ne 'Creditors' and AcquirerCompanyName ne 'Shareholder') and (TargetCountry eq 'US' or TargetCountry eq 'UK')"
    + "and TransactionValueIncludingNetDebtOfTarget ge 100 and TargetPublicStatus eq 'Public')"
    + "and (TransactionStatus eq 'Completed' or TransactionStatus eq 'Pending' or TransactionStatus eq 'Withdrawn')"
    + "and (FormOfTransactionName xeq 'Merger' or FormOfTransactionName xeq 'Acquisition') and (TransactionAnnouncementDate le 2022-04-14 and TransactionAnnouncementDate ge 2022-01-01)",

    #select only the required fields and order them based on announcement date
    #then specify number of items to be 10000, default value is 100
    select = 'TransactionAnnouncementDate, TargetCompanyName, TargetRIC',
    order_by = 'TransactionAnnouncementDate desc',
    top = 10000)



    You may also find this and this articles useful on utilizing the search.

    Hope this would be helpful, please let me know should you have any further questions.

    Best regards,
