Access denied to ESG data, due to missing scope []

I am trying to retrieve some ESG data for a given ticker. I am getting an Error Code 403 | access denied.

Here is a snippet of code:

tst_ric = 'LTR.AX' 
response = esg.standard_measures.Definition(tst_ric).get_data()

This code leads to the following error:

RDError: Error code 403 | access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: []. Missing scopes: []. Contact Refinitiv to check your permissions.

I am confused about this error. What am I supposed to do in order to fix it ?

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @marius.popa ,

    Sorry to hear that you are experiencing the issue. As the error suggests this a permissioning issue and you need to contact to your Account Manager.

    Best regards,
